Statistics Sector Coordination Group(SSCG) Meeting(1/2019) was held at meeting Room of Office 32, Nay Pyi Taw on 17th June 2019 and about 90 participants from Member of SSCG, Representatives of NSDS Clusters for National Strategy for Development of Statistics, Development Partners, Private Organizations and responsible persons from Central Statistical Organization attended to the meeting.
Firstly, Director General of Central Statistical Organization, U San Myint delivered opening remark and also Mr.Ramanathan Balakrishnan, Country Representative of UNFPA delivered key note speech on behalf of Development Partners for Quality of Statistics.
The objective of the meeting is to implement the National Strategy for Development of Statistics (NSDS) for quality of statistics with cooperation among Central Statistical Organization and Development Partners (DPs).
The representatives of 10 clusters presented their current activities and all of participants discussed and suggested related way forward, and the meeting had finished about 1:00 pm.