Poverty Assessment based on data of Myanmar Living Conditions Survey (2017) was introduced at Thingaha Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw at 9 am.
At the event, Union Minister of planning and Finance U Soe Win said that Myanmar Living Conditions survey (2017) is a collective effort of the Central Statistical Organization, UNDP and World Bank and is a mile stone of success. The assessment will help make policy on tackling poverty and inequality. It was the second report based on the survey. Different perspectives were taken into consideration in rating poverty. The number of people below the poverty line drop from 48.2% in 2005 to 24.8% in 2017.
The poverty rate is highest in Chin and Rakhine States and lowest in Tanintharyi, Mandalay, and Yangon regions. Poverty is common in rural area and poverty goes hand in hand with low income. People shifting career from farming to others acquire better standard of living. In Farming, Land owners have the better standard of living than those who don’t own land. The report states suggestion in the matters of economy and social of the country.
The report also helps tackle unemployment problems. Government and private Organizations should work together to provide clean drinking water, quality sewer system, healthcare and education and electricity and eradicate poverty.
Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs are being implemented in Myanmar with Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan- MSDP and it is important to consider the actual conditions of people.
Union Minister Expressed his gratitude to everyone involved in survey taking.
Then, Head of World Bank Office Mr. GevorgSargsyan and Resident Representative of UNDP Mr. Peter Batchelor said their greetings.
Afterwards, Director General of Central Statistical Organization, U San Myint, Project Analyst Sa Sithu Htike San, Senior Economist Mr Clarence Tsimpo Nkengne and Deputy Director of Central Statistical Organization, Daw Khin Sat Yee detailed the Poverty Report based on the data of Myanmar Living Condition Survey.
Subsequently, Economist Dr Tin Maung Than led the discussion under the topic,“What will it take to eradicate poverty in Myanmar”. Planning Department, Myanmar Development Organization, Private Organizations, World Bank and UNDP participated in the discussion.
The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Planning and Finance, U Maung Maung Win, members of regional and state governments, business related organizations, permanent secretaries, director generals, and officials.
Myanmar Living Conditions Survey was conducted by the Central statistical Organization with the help of the World Bank and UNDP. It was conducted in 296 townships of regions and states including Nay Pyi Taw Council.
Form 1145 survey plot data form 13730 household were collected every three months throughout the year.
The report based on it will be used in making policy of the development of the country and for statistic analysts.
(Translated by Alphonsus)