Third Meeting of Statistical Data Collection Working Committee on Child Labor Eradication was held on 24th December 2019 at Central Statistical Organization (CSO), Office 32, Nay Pyi Taw. During this meeting, U Tun Tun Naing, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry, as well Chairman of Statistical Data Collection Working Committee on Child Labor Eradication discussed on confirmed the questionnaire, time schedule for conducting the survey, budget estimation for other States and Regions to conduct the survey. Director Genenal of Central Statistical Organization, Secretary of Statistical Data Collection Working Committee on Child Labor Eradication presented on resolution of the Myanmar National Committee on Child Labor Eradication (MNCCLE), reviewed of the follow-up actions from previous meeting, pilot survey result and challenges, updating the questionnaire. Moreover, the other States and Regions which are not including in project areas explained about the budget estimating, sampling frame and sample size to conduct the survey. Officials from Statistical Working Committee on Child Labor Eradication and representatives from States and Regions, totally (55) participants were presented at the meeting.