The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry
Central Statistical Organization
Office 32, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
The Activities of CSO
1. The responsibilities of data compilation
CSO collects data from government agencies by sending requested letters and the data of private sector are collected by conducting surveys.
2. The Surveys conducted by CSO
a. Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES)
b. The Household Assets and Liabilities Surveys (HALS)
c. The Informal Sector Survey (ISS)
d. Survey on Evaluation of Vital Registrations Systems (SEVRS)
e. National Mortality Survey (NMS)
f. Study on some crops (Paddy, Groundnut, Sesamum & Cotton)
g. Manufacturing Surveys on the Private Industrial Zones
h. Price Surveys
i. Wholesale Trade Survey (1997)
j. Myanmar Business Survey (2015)
k. Rural Development Survey
3. Statistical Publications (Past/Current) by the CSO
a. Myanmar Statistical Yearbook (Book & CD)
b. Selected Monthly Economic Indicators
c. Myanmar Agricultural Statistics (1997-1998 to 2009-2010)
d. Livestock and Fisheries Statistics (2008-2009)
e. Myanmar Forestry Statistics (2001-2002 to 2010-2011)
f. Myanmar Agricultural Statistics (2006-2007 to 2015-2016)
g. Statistical Profile of Children and Women
h. Monthly Consumer Price Index and Inflation Rates (Limited)
i. Foreign Trade Statistics (Limited)
j. The Report of Household Income and Expenditure Survey (1997)
k. Planning and Development Journal
l. Quarterly Statistics Bulletin
m. Myanmar Business Survey (2015)
4. Daily Update for Website
CSO daily updated the Ministry website (, and CSO website ( and ( mm) for market price, Dollar exchange rate, gold price, fuel price. Also updated the ministry website for News of all departments under the Ministry.
5. Weekly Report to Ministry
CSO submits the daily gold price by weekly, the exchange rate of US$ from KBZ exchange rate counter Market rate and CBM reference rate to Ministry of MOPF weekly.
6. Serving as a focal agency in the taskforce of code classification
CSO took place as a leading role in the code classification processes under each and every economic system not only for the code classification of manufacturing sector but also for all economic sectors. The distribution step of MSIC, which was prepared based on ISIC, of UNSD will be soon after making confirmation with line ministries.
7. Implementations for NSDS
Holding the meetings with the development partners (DPs) and concerned with the departments by leading the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) to get their advices, discussions and suggestions for the action plans of the National Strategy for Development of Statistics (NSDS) for long term which can support the needs and implementations of each cluster.
8. Implementations for Data Accuracy and Quality of Statistics Committee (DAQS)
Holdings the meetings for Statistical Evolution to be National Statistical System (NSS) which can enhance the data accuracy and quality of statistics by cooperation and coordination line ministries and stakeholders
9. Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics
Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics was started opening in 2016-2017, supervised by Central Statistical Organization in the Graduate School of Administration and Development, and the training will be continued.
10. Training for capacity building
According to improve the qualification of the staffs, many statistical and computer training courses were opened in CSO. CSO can be produced many skill staffs in computer not only from MNPED but also from other ministries. Many participants from each and every line ministries attended the various statistical country courses which were taught by the foreign experts respectively.
11. Data Communication Network system
Data Communication Network system is connected with ADSL (123) lines and (32) Fiber lines for some CSO States and Regions, Districts and Townships offices. The software application ( has been developed by collecting basic statistics data from township level to entry data through it.
12. The Local and Foreign institutions which are jointly cooperated with CSO in Statistical matters
The Local and Foreign institutions which are jointly cooperated with CSO in statistical matters are AMRO, ASEAN-STATISTICS DEPARTMENT, Bloomberg, CESD, Danish Mission, Denmark Government, EMReF, EU_ASEAN COMPASS, FAO, GIZ, Hanns Sidel Fondation, ILO, IMF, ISTAT, JFPR, JICA, KOICA, MCRB, MIMU, MMRD, Oxfam, PARIS 21, SIAP, TAOLAM, UNAIDS, UNCDF, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UN-Habitat, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNIDO, UNRC, UNREACH, UNSD, USAID, WB, WFP, WWF.
13. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- CSO organized the SDGs awareness workshop and meeting with data users, stakeholders for calculating and producing SDGs indicators.
- High Level Conference on “New Vision, New Results for Children in Myanmar” was organized jointly by CSO and UNICEF with aims to come out the policy factors to implement the child related SDGs indicators in October 2016.
- Moreover, CSO and UNDP jointly examined the current readiness and availability of Myanmar’s data to measure the SDGs Indicators. “Readiness of Myanmar’s Official Statistics for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” report has been produced.
- According to the report, 44 indicators are readily available, 78 indicators are available after little effort and 19 indicators are available after more effort in Myanmar.
- After producing the Data Assessment report, CSO carry on producing the Baseline Report. CSO has targeted to produce the SDGs Baseline Report early 2017.
- CSO conducted the Technical Workshop on SDGs Indicator Baseline Report for Myanmar in December 2016 to be able to produce Baseline Report.
- To discuss the methods for calculating the SDG indicators and how to use the international SDG metadata, CSO conducted the Technical Workshop: SDG Indicators for Myanmar from 1st February to 8th February 2017 with support from UNDP.
14. The Future Plans
a. To build up a main Statistical Data Base Units;
b. To strive to get the data from private sector regularly;
c. To conduct surveys, such as Construction Surveys, Transpotation Surveys, on the Private Sector, National Fertility and Mortality Surveys, Myanmar Living Conditions Survey, Massmedia Surveys, Survey of Oversea Workers and the Survey of Trade in Services;
d. To extend the branch offices of CSO in all states and regions;
e. To upgrade the statistical skill of the staffs
f. To achieve the implementation of SDGs.