Awareness Raising Workshop on Statistics Law and Rules was held at the Bago City hall in Bago Region on 14th February 2022. Total number of 110 participants including Ministers of Bago Region Government, senior officials from related departments and officials from Central Statistical Organization, Bago Region Office, were attended the workshop. The Workshop aims to make evidence based policies, decisions and plans by understanding statistics Law and Rules. Hla Myo Shwe, Colonel, Minister of Security and Border Affairs, Bago Region Government delivered the opening speech at the Workshop. In his speech the new statistics law and rules will be very helpful conducting official statistics. Law enforcement and awareness raising among the relevant departments are important for the development of the statistics sectors. Adopting new statistics law and rules will helpful to compile the quality and accurate statistical data. After that Deputy Director General of Central Statistical Organization presented about after that the Statistics Law and Rules. Workshop was ended at 12:30 p.m.