Statistical Data Collection Working Committee on Child Labour Eradication 2nd Meeting was held on 5th September 2019 at Central Statistical Organization (CSO), Office 32, Nay Pyi Taw. Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Planning and Finance, as well Chairman of Statistical Working Committee on Child Labour Eradication delivered opening address at the meeting.
The Chairman of Statistical Working Committee on Child Labour Eradication discussed reviewed of follow-up actions from previous meeting, confirmed the sample size, questionnaire, output tables and then Director General of CSO, Secretary of Statistical Working Committee on Child Labour Eradication presented on the current progress of set up, work plan and TOR of State and Region’s Child Labour Eradication Working Committees, updating the questionnaire, time schedule for the survey and way forward. Officials from Statistical Working Committee on Child Labour Eradication and representatives from States and Regions, totally (55) participant were presented at the meeting. (5th September 2019)