Launching ceremony of the socio-economic report from Myanmar Living Condition Survey (2017) was held at Thingaha Hotel, Nay Pyi Taw on 7th Feburary 2020. The Deputy Minister for planning , Finance and Industry, U Sett Aung delivered the opening address.
After that, Mr.Gordon Johnson, Resident Representative a.i., of UNDP and Ms.Bronwyn Grieve, Program Leader of World Bank delivered the welcome remarks.
Then, U San Myint, Director General of Central Statistical Organization presented the main messages from the report and then the representatives from CSO, UNDP and World Bank also presented the key findings.
In Panel Discussion; U Khin Maung Nyo, Economist facilitated as a moderator for the topic of “Major Policy Implications of the Socio-economic Report” and the Dr.Bishwa Nath Tiwari, Economist of UNDP, Daw Mar Mar Twin, Education Specialist of World Bank, U Than Zaw, Deputy Director General of Central Statistical Organization, Daw Sandar Aye, Director of Department of Labour, Dr.Khin Mg Nyunt, Senior Research Fellow of MDI participated at the dicussion. After that, the audience raises the questions which they would like to know and the moderators and panelists responded to their questions.
Socio-economic Report is the third analytical products based on the Myanmar Living Conditions Survey(MLCS), which is collected the over 60,000 population of household 13730 from 296 townships of all states and regions.
This report from Myanmar Living Conditions Survey provides accurate data that can be used to inform policies for future development by the Government of Myanmar and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister for Planning , Finance and Industry, U Set Aung, Director Generals from concerning Ministries, Deputy Director Generals, members of NSDS Clusters, Development Partners, officials from Central Statistical Organization and related departments.