Holding 1st Meeting of the Working Group for Enacting
Secured Transaction Law
1. 1st Meeting of the Working Group for Enacting Secured Transaction Law
was held at the meeting room of Office No. (34),
Financial Regulatory Department on 28-1-2019, at 10:00 a.m.
2. At the meeting, U Zaw Naing, Director General of
the Financial Regulatory Department, Chairman of Working Group,
Daw Than Than Swe, Director General of the Central Bank of Myanmar,
Associate Chairman of Working Group, members of Working Group
from International Finance Corporation (IFC), Working Group members from
related Department and officials and staff from Financial Regulatory Department
attended, altogether (35) attendees.
3. Regarding the enacting of Secured Transaction Law, members of the Working Group
discussed and shared their views on the presentation made by U Minn Naing Oo, Legal Expert from
International Finance Corporation. Afterwards, it was discussed with officials from
Working Group Members, Office of the Attorney General and the Union Supreme Court to
hold Awareness Meeting. Then, the meeting was concluded at 11:30 a.m.