- The MyCO electronic registry system which was launched on 1 August 2018 experienced higher than expected traffic, with users experiencing difficulties such as delays in accessing the website, not being able to submit information, and missing data when entering information.
- These issues are being addressed by technical teams as quickly as possible.To ensure that these issues are fully resolved, the MyCO system will be subject to extensive technical testing today and tomorrow.In order to minimize further user disruption, the MyCO system will re-commence online electronic filing services on Monday 6th August 2018.
- To assist users who urgently require company filing services, the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (Head Office and regional offices) will be open to the public with MyCO kiosks on 2nd, 3rd and 4th August (Thursday, Friday and Saturday).
- The Directorate of Investment and Company Administration sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience caused.