Presentation and Discussion of Preliminary Findings meeting was held on 7th December at Project Appraisal and Progress Reporting Department, Office 32, Naypyitaw. The purpose of the meeting is to present the preliminary findings and the suggestions of IMF mission based on their visits to the departments / institutions which involved in PPPs matters in Myanmar in order to formulate better Framework of Managing Fiscal Risks of PPPs. The meeting was attended by 24 officials from six Ministries and one Institute.
Mr. Guohua Huang, Senior Economist of Fiscal Affairs Department and leader of IMF mission explained the facts why PPP was implemented and discussed findings of PPP projects in Myanmar at the meeting. After that, Ms. KatjaFunke, Expert of Fiscal Affairs Department and Mr. RuiMonteiro, Technical Assistance Advisor of Fiscal Affairs Department, shared the framework for successful PPPs, PPP process and institutional framework, requirement of database for PPP projects and its reporting system, mechanisms for Government guarantee and their risks, procurement methods and standardization of PPP contracts, and presented the recommendation for gateway process for PPPs.
Then, the participants actively discussed and asked the questions regarding with the presentation and concluded the meeting at 12:00 PM.