Deputy Director General of Central Statistical Organization, U Than Zaw and his team attended the 11th Session of the ASEAN Community Statistical System Committee meeting held virtually in Brunei from 12 to 14 October 2021.
The meeting was attended by officials from the National Statistics Office of ASEAN Member States; Members of the ASEAN Community Statistical System Committee and sub-committees; Working group members; Representatives from the Statistics Division(ASEANstats) and the ASEAN Integration Monitoring Directorate(AIMD); International organizations and development partners.
At the meeting, the decisions of the 10th ASEAN Community Statistical System Committee Meeting were discussed. ASEAN Regional Sustainable Cooperation Implementation Plans; Country-by-country sharing experiences and best practices on Building Resilient Statistics to COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery and Beyond; The activities of the ASEAN Community Statistical System Committee for 2020-2021 and the next steps were also discussed during the meeting. The 12th ASEAN Community Statistical System Committee Meeting and the ASEAN Planning and Coordination Sub-Committee Meeting are scheduled to be held in Cambodia in 2022.