ONLY when they fully cooperate with one another to collect accurate statistic data will the country obtain the correct data and quality of statistics, said Chairman of the Central Committee on Data Accuracy and Quality of Statistics Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win at the meeting 1/2021 of the Central Committee at the State Administration Council Chairman’s Office yesterday morning.
In his address, the Vice-Senior General said the Central Committee for Data Accuracy and Quality of Statistics was reconstituted when the State Administration Council held the first meeting. The central committee was reconstituted on 12 July 2013 depending on cooperation with partners, decisions on practices and adoption of policies based on the Nay Pyi Taw Accord for Effective Development Cooperation adopted in the first Myanmar Development Cooperation Forum in 2013. The central committee was reconstituted in 2016 and 2018. The central committee was re-formed on 4 March 2021 again. It adopted a six-point national statistic policy. The Vice-Senior General stressed the need for the Central Committee to do its tasks in a quick process. Clusters 1, 2 and 3 under the Central Committee are to theoretically and practically coordinate with each other in respective ministries.
Expression of actual situations is essential for respective countries. In this regard, it is necessary to express the condition with accurate statistic data, and departments and ministries need to cooperate with each other. Only when they fully cooperate with one another to collect accurate statistical data will the country obtain the correct data and quality of statistics. Work guidelines can be given correctly in reviewing the international community’s trust, the people’s reliance on information and data of the entire nation, and correct statistics can be submitted to the Head of State. All the stages of the procedure of the central committee are important, so all committee members should do their tasks systematically. The Vice-Senior General urged all to implement the work procedures to contribute to the Myanmar Statistical Yearbook published by the Ministry of Planning and Finance on a yearly basis.
Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee Union Minister for Planning and Finance U Win Shein reported on the implementation of the current tasks and statistics by the central committee, issuance of the firm and quality statistic data, better statistical coverage, and responsibility, accountability and cooperation of relevant organizations and ministries including the private sector.
Officials reported on the implementation of the clusters, reformation of the clusters, the accomplishment of the minutes of the meeting 1/2020, capacity enhancement of statistics, meeting and capacity enhancement training, collection of census population and surveys, survey calendar, and issuance of statistics.
Members of the central committee, Union ministers and region and state administration councils presented the implementation of the national strategy for the development of statistics, efforts of relevant ministries and region and states in order to obtain correct statistics, the plans to decide minutes of the meeting 1/2021 of the central committee and sought the approval.
Later, the Vice-Senior General stressed the need to compile the statistic data meeting the international standard as the statistics of Myanmar are being solved in the global statistic system. It is necessary to turn out qualified scholars in order to specialize in the requirements of technologies in the collection of statistic data and modern data collection techniques by doing their works with the least reliance on foreign countries. In sharing data with the international community, statistical data must be correct, and modern technologies must be applied to collect and send the data. All statistic data sent by ministries must be accurate, firm and correct. As such, Myanmar can join the world statistic system. —MNA