Seventh Steering Committee on Myanmar Enterprise Monitoring System held a meeting via video conferencing at the Central Statistical Organization on 7 October, 2020. U San Myint, Director General, Central Statistical Organization delivered the opening remarks. This is a collaboration of Central Statistical Organization and The United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) with the Financial support of Denmark Government.
Next, Denmark Ambassador, H.E. John Nielsen acknowledged the collaboration on the implementation of MEMS between the Central Statistical Organization and UNU-WIDER and the government of Denmark will continue to support the development of SMEs in Myanmar.
Professor Mr. Finn Tarp from UNU-WIDER discussed the status on the implementation of MEMS and Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) Project and future work plans.
Then, U San Myint, Director General, Central Statistical Organization discussed the upcoming activities on MEMS and SAM Project. The 7th steering committee meeting was attended a total of 23 people by the Denmark Ambassador, Director General, Deputy Director General including officers.