The first day of third round Metadata Development Workshops for the National Indicator Framework towards Monitoring and Evaluation process of MSDP was held on 3rd March 2020 at the Horizon Lake View Resort, Nay Pyi Taw. U San Myint, Director General of Central Statistical Organization delivered the opening speech in this workshop.
U San Myint spoke that “Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan (MSDP) was developed as living document since August 2018. Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (M & E Framework) is needed to evaluate the progress of these action plans. National Indicator Framework (NIF) is a part of the M & E framework and it was developed by the leadership of CSO in 2018. The workshops are aimed to develop the metadata for the NIF indicators. The first round Metadata Development Workshops were held from 17th September from 1st October 2019. The second round Metadata Development workshops were held from 9th to 20th December 2019 and the third round metadata development workshops will be held from 3rd to 17th March 2020.”
These Metadata Development workshops have been holding by the technical assistance of UNDP. The senior officials from government agencies, responsible persons from UNDP, delegates from development partners and civil society organizations were attended the workshops.