Director General of Central Statistical Organization, under the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry, U San Myint and his team attended at the Workshop on the Opportunities for Myanmar on Trade Promotion under the Belt and Road Initiative, organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) on 18th December 2019 at Wyndham Grand Hotel, Yangon.
The purpose of the workshop is to be shared with the participants regarding with initial findings on the current state of BRI project, their potential impact on the trade opportunities and SDG implementation in Myanmar.
In connection with Belt and Road in discussion of the said workshop, the tasks are laid down, such as the support of the policy-makers in the countries concerned, the promotion of efficiency for performers, and appropriate discussions are made for betterment of management to obtain good results in doing the role of Belt and Road.
By attending the workshop, such benefits are received that they are monitoring and evaluation, implementation of the related performance of BRI, promotion of the tasks with speed of the long-term development, and supporting the policy-maker, assurance of them with greater efficiency and obtaining strong benefits for doing such things.