19th August 2019
Opening Ceremony of Research Methodology Phase II- Session I Training, which is supported by Mekong Republic of Korea Cooperation Fund, held on 19th August 2019 at Office (32), Central Statistical Organization, Ministry of Planning and Finance, Nay Pyi Taw. The Director General of Central Statistical Organization delivered the opening remark at the opening ceremony.
This training will give the lecture related subjects with not only Weighting for the samples, Design weights for sub-sampling, Non-response adjustments, Normalization of the weights but also Guidelines for data management (Data Processing + Data Analysis), Practices of Data Analysis by using SPSS (Descriptive and Statistical Analysis), Interpretation of the SPSS Output and so on. This Training starts from 19th August 2019 and ends on 23rd August 2019 and fifteen staff from Head Quarter of Central Statistical Organization will participate in this training.